Thursday, February 12, 2009

Checking my POF email...

I just checked my POF email. "Mr. Baseball" emailed me, just to say he thought I was beautiful, and that he is looking forward to our date on Saturday.

Saturday is Valentine's Day (I made sure he knew this when he asked me out) and we are going out on a first date. I'm a little nervous, but I bought a new shirt, belt and some hot pink nail polish. I always feel more comfortable in a new outfit. We're having dinner at 6pm at Central (I'll let you know how it is!), and then heading to a concert. What if I don't like him, or what if the conversation is strained? That's 5 whole hours of discomfort.

Or worse, what if I DO like him? I have relationship phobia now (thanks to the recently departed Italian boyfriend who pulled the plug out of the blue) and don't think I know how to be someone's girl friend any more?! I still haven't figured out what I did to deserve a break up in such a manner. Sigh.

Feb 12 - coffee date

Today I met up with "Banksy", at Epicurious in Kits - I had wine even though it was the middle of the day. (White - I just bleached my teeth for this weekends round of dates, red wine would have quickly ruined all that work). He drank a double espresso in the little cup, with two sugars. This made me think he must be European, I was a little impressed.

I wore some straight leg 7's, and a sweater coat over a tank top. Tried my best to make it look like I hadn't spent an hour fussing over my outfit, which I had. I think it worked, but I'm going to pare down the high heels for coffee dates. A low wedge for next time. Heels for evening dates only. You think?

Reluctantly, he told me he's "affiliated" with the banking industry. What does this mean, affiliated?? Turns out he WORKS for a bank - I'd say THAT'S more than an affiliation.

"Banksy" is cute, but a lot shy. I'd even go so far as to say a bit nerdy. (But nerdy can be hot). He blushed several times. Especially when I told him that he looks better than his posted picture. (We met on Plenty of Fish). I think he added me to his "favorites list" first, and I was more than a little thankful that someone with a shirt on found me interesting. He can spell, and seems to understand my sarcastic mannerisms.

I tend to get added by the 'Mr. Coquitlam' types (you know the kind - frosted tips, tribal arm band tatoos) and trades-people. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I prefer to think of myself as a little more culturally inclined. Maybe this is where I have been going wrong all along?? Should I be expanding my horizons?

I think I might go out with him again. Just to see if I can crack his shell a bit. I'll email him my number, and see if he calls.